September Agenda
September Agenda
Rockwood Early Childhood PTO
General Meeting - September 12, 2023 6:00 pm
- Welcome, Introductions, Motion to Approve of tonight’s agenda
- General Member Sign In
- Members Present:
- General Member Sign In
a) Sara White (Eureka); Sujla Fingers (Vandover/Summit); Loretta Dunkmann; Jennifer Bingham, Danielle Frolos; Barbara Grice (CV); NiLarika Maroj (CV); Eleanor Myers; Cindy Kessler; Anita Lloyd
- Meeting called to Order by Cindy Kessler at 6:03pm on 9/12/2023 (Location- Ballwin Sno-Cone)
- Motion to Approve tonight’s agenda made by Cindy Kessler, Seconded by Anita Lloyd, approved by majority.
- President’s Report – Cindy Kessler
- Overview of PTO: Raise money to fund grants and provide items for all our REC centers need.
- Parking spot raffle, Dine outs, Shoe Drive, Nothing but Bundt fundraiser, book fairs, end of the year celebration.
- Board Openings for this year: Vice President
- Sara White showed interest
- Communications: Membership Toolkit, Flyers to Parents, Emails, Facebook, ParentSqaure, EC newsletter that David sends
- Staff Breakfast – Give Review
- St. Louis Kolache Factory + gift
- Ways we can support staff/ students/ community - Suggestions?
- Classroom Parties - Nothing Official, discuss w/ teachers
- Bulletin Boards - Next up is fall/halloween
- Eureka - Brianne D.; Sara White
- Vandover- Maggie Myers/Ellie Myers
- CV- *** still open***
- Overview of PTO: Raise money to fund grants and provide items for all our REC centers need.
a) A facebook post was made to also raise awareness
- Vice President’s Report – OPEN POSITION
- Will vote next meeting
- Secretary’s Report – Ellie Myers
- Nothing to report this meeting
- Treasurer’s Report – Anita Lloyd
- Taxes – Have been filed
- Registered our annual report with the Secretary of State.
- Staff Breakfast
- Budget posted to website this week
- Proposed: Anita Lloyd
- Seconded: Eleanor Myers
- Approved by majority present
- Membership toolkit - best way to give and get receipts
- We are getting PayPal setup today
- Teacher and Early Childhood News – David Harod/Loretta Dunkmann
- Year is going great so far- program will grow throughout the year
- Parents as Teachers - Stephanie Kane
- Reach out to Stephanie to register
- Committee Reports
- Scholastic Book Fair - Cindy Kessler
- Volunteer for Committee Head (Preferably 3?)
- Dates: October 23-27 / March 11-15
- Looking for Volunteers - Membership Toolkit
- Scholastic Book Fair - Cindy Kessler
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation – Cindy Kessler
- Physical Therapy Day September 8
- Custodian Appreciation Day October 2
- OT Appreciation Day October 27
- Snack Carts – October 23 – 27th during teacher conferences
- Teacher and Staff Appreciation – Cindy Kessler
a) Need Volunteers to do sign ups for snacks and drinks for each location
- Parking Spot Raffle
- Congrats to Winners
- Parking Spot Raffle
a) CV- Kristy Ratkowski and David Li (parents)
b) Eureka- Sara Agne (staff raffle)
c) Vandover- Caitlyn Rammelsberg (staff raffle)
- Spring Semester will be Jan 2 - Jan 22
- Staff Grants - Cindy Kessler
- Now Open - Membership Toolkit
- Presentation - Nov 14th At PTO Meeting
- Committee for 2023-24 school year needs volunteers
- Staff Grants - Cindy Kessler
- Restaurant Dine Out (upcoming) – Cindy Kessler
- November 14th - Waiting to hear back from Red Robin in Fenton
- Restaurant Dine Out (upcoming) – Cindy Kessler
- Nothing but Bundt Fundraiser (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD with Cindy)
- Will need to be set up in October
- Looking for Volunteers from each location to hand out Bundt cakes.
- Reach out to Cindy to join
- Nothing but Bundt Fundraiser (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD with Cindy)
- End of the Year Celebration (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD)
- Partnering with Parkway/Rockwood Community Ed
- Need to find location and save now
- Schedule first meeting for budget review
- Reach out to Cindy to join
- End of the Year Celebration (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD)
- Announcements
- PTO Forum Meeting Notes – Cindy Kessler
- PTO Leadership Conference
- September 13, 5:30 PM
- Next PTO Meeting –
- October 10th, 7 PM Zoom, Dr. Cain will be present
- Quick Staff Appreciation committee meeting Beginning of October
- Adjournment
- Meeting called to close by Cindy Kessler at 6:18pm