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September Agenda

September Agenda


Rockwood Early Childhood PTO

General Meeting - September 12, 2023 6:00 pm



  1. Welcome, Introductions, Motion to Approve of tonight’s agenda
    1. General Member Sign In
      1. Members Present:

a)    Sara White (Eureka); Sujla Fingers (Vandover/Summit); Loretta Dunkmann; Jennifer Bingham, Danielle Frolos; Barbara Grice (CV); NiLarika Maroj (CV); Eleanor Myers; Cindy Kessler; Anita Lloyd

    1. Meeting called to Order by Cindy Kessler at 6:03pm on 9/12/2023 (Location- Ballwin Sno-Cone)
    2. Motion to Approve tonight’s agenda made by Cindy Kessler, Seconded by Anita Lloyd, approved by majority.
  1. President’s Report – Cindy Kessler
    1. Overview of PTO: Raise money to fund grants and provide items for all our REC centers need.
      1. Parking spot raffle, Dine outs, Shoe Drive, Nothing but Bundt fundraiser, book fairs, end of the year celebration.
    2. Board Openings for this year:  Vice President
      1. Sara White showed interest
    3. Communications: Membership Toolkit, Flyers to Parents, Emails, Facebook, ParentSqaure, EC newsletter that David sends
    4. Staff Breakfast – Give Review
      1. St. Louis Kolache Factory + gift
    5. Ways we can support staff/ students/ community - Suggestions?
    6. Classroom Parties - Nothing Official, discuss w/ teachers
    7. Bulletin Boards - Next up is fall/halloween
      1. Eureka - Brianne D.; Sara White
      2. Vandover- Maggie Myers/Ellie Myers
      3. CV- *** still open***

a)    A facebook post was made to also raise awareness

  1. Vice President’s Report – OPEN POSITION
    1. Will vote next meeting
  2. Secretary’s Report – Ellie Myers
    1. Nothing to report this meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report – Anita Lloyd
    1. Taxes – Have been filed
    2. Registered our annual report with the Secretary of State.
    3. Staff Breakfast
    4. Budget posted to website this week
      1. Proposed: Anita Lloyd
      2. Seconded: Eleanor Myers
      3. Approved by majority present
    5. Membership toolkit - best way to give and get receipts
    6. We are getting PayPal setup today


  1. Teacher and Early Childhood News – David Harod/Loretta Dunkmann
    1. Year is going great so far- program will grow throughout the year
  2. Parents as Teachers - Stephanie Kane
    1. Reach out to Stephanie to register
  3. Committee Reports
    1.  Scholastic Book Fair - Cindy Kessler
      1. Volunteer for Committee Head (Preferably 3?)
      2. Dates: October 23-27 / March 11-15
      3. Looking for Volunteers - Membership Toolkit


    1. Teacher and Staff Appreciation – Cindy Kessler
      1. Physical Therapy Day September 8
      2. Custodian Appreciation Day October 2
      3. OT Appreciation Day October 27
      4. Snack Carts – October 23 – 27th during teacher conferences

a)    Need Volunteers to do sign ups for snacks and drinks for each location




    1. Parking Spot Raffle
      1. Congrats to Winners

a)    CV- Kristy Ratkowski and David Li (parents)

b)    Eureka- Sara Agne (staff raffle)

c)     Vandover- Caitlyn Rammelsberg (staff raffle)

      1. Spring Semester will be Jan 2 - Jan 22


    1. Staff Grants - Cindy Kessler
      1. Now Open - Membership Toolkit
      2. Presentation - Nov 14th At PTO Meeting
      3. Committee for 2023-24 school year needs volunteers


    1. Restaurant Dine Out (upcoming) – Cindy Kessler
      1. November 14th - Waiting to hear back from Red Robin in Fenton


    1. Nothing but Bundt Fundraiser (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD with Cindy)
      1. Will need to be set up in October
      2. Looking for Volunteers from each location to hand out Bundt cakes.
      3. Reach out to Cindy to join


    1. End of the Year Celebration (NEED COMMITTEE LEAD)
      1. Partnering with Parkway/Rockwood Community Ed
      2. Need to find location and save now
      3. Schedule first meeting for budget review
      4. Reach out to Cindy to join


  1. Announcements
    1. PTO Forum Meeting Notes – Cindy Kessler
    2. PTO Leadership Conference
      1. September 13, 5:30 PM
    3. Next PTO Meeting
      1. October 10th, 7 PM Zoom, Dr. Cain will be present
      2. Quick Staff Appreciation committee meeting Beginning of October


  1. Adjournment
    1. Meeting called to close by Cindy Kessler at 6:18pm